The Pokemon President Tsunekazu Ishihara, in a recent interview with Nikkei Asia Review said that the company is looking into player safety with the developement of a new device to make players more safe. The game which launched in September 16th, 2016 is one of the most successf mobile game launches of all time.
Since then, the game has entered over 100 countries and at one point was more popular than even pornography... that is how well the game was received in each country it was introduced. With the launch, however, some players got into accidents while playing Pokemon Go. Yes, the game has warnings signs, but the Pokemon Company has plans to make the game even safer.
President Tsunekazu statement reads:
We intended to make a game for people to play outdoors, instead of at home. The potential that players could become too involved in playing the game [that they might walk into danger] was already an issue at an early stage.
To avoid the danger, we also released "Pokémon Go Plus," the smartphone-linked wearable device, so that "Pokémon Go" players do not have to always be looking down at their smartphone screens. Together with Nintendo, we are thinking of developing a new device that can be played more safely.