Captain Tsubasa is a very popular series of manga and anime created by Yōichi Takahashi, which was actually first published in the early '80s and was later made into an anime series. The series was actually revived a few years ago, but it only ran for two seasons; very well received by fans, too.
Earlier this year, Bandai Namco and Tamsoft announced that they were working on Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions, which is a game based on the more recent iteration of Captain Tsubasa, and that it would be a football game like no other out there.
As per the developers, and as expected if you know anything about the manga/anime, Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions is an arcade-style football game, so the developers, very in line with the series, have thrown realism out the window in order to faithfully recreate the over the top techniques — which are a staple of Captain Tsubasa.
Actually, we were very close from not getting this game at all, since higher execs didn't think that Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions would sell here in the West — you know, because the series isn't really popular here — but the developers were convinced that gameplay alone would be enough to click with Western players.
The best news is that Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions has just become available today for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC, so you now have the chance to play the game for yourself, and see if the game is the right arcade-style football game that you've been waiting for; whether you know of Captain Tsubasa or not.
Check it out:
The latest Captain Tsubasa game with toon shading and realistic effects! Part of the globally popular Captain Tsubasa series, this title has anime-like graphics that are familiar even overseas. The detailed presentation of every single style of our popular characters will heat up battles of the new Captain Tsubasa game!
Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions is available for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC today.