For more than a decade, Akira Toriyama's the Dragon Ball franchise has captivated the world with its amazing battles, quirky and unique characters and stunning visuals. The franchise has had multiple anime such as Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super. The series has also made it to the video game world as well. Since its first game release, Dragon Ball has had a game on almost every major console.
One of the most recent, and possibly most successful games in the Dragon Ball franchise has been Dragon Ball Fighterz, a 3v3 fighting game that has been giving fighting game players one of the most authentic depictions of what power feels like, in that series. Another release has been Dragon Ball Kakarot, which is the franchise's most recent attempt at delving into RPG's. In the game players can control Kakarot and grow his skills over the course of the Dragon Ball Z series. However, with all of these console releases, some fans may forget that the mobile platforms have their own games as well.
Two years ago, a mobile card battler called Dragon Ball Legends was released, by Bandai Namco Entertainment, and the game allows a much more digestable combat version of the Dragon Ball story. SInce its release the game has achieved great success and for the 2 year annniversary, announced that the game would be including awesome new goodies. The first new addition is a new collection of characters including SSGSS Vegito, SS Trunks (adult, rage version), Fusion Zamasu, Super Full Power SS 4 Goku, and Omega Shenron. The official Facebook is also releasing new AR filters for the camera that runs June 4th to the 12th and a 10x Summon event everyday from May 30th to June 12th . A video announcement was also released that can be seen below; check it out!
Excited for the new additions? Planning on downloading the game? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments! Dragon Ball Legends is free on iOS and Android.