Yoshihiro Togashi's Yu Yu Hakusho is a shonen series that has been around since 1990 and ran until the mid-'90s. Upon its release, the series earned its place as one of the best and most loved shonen manga ever. With such characters such as Yusuke and Kurama, there is at least one character that a fan can get behind.
The series ran for 19 volumes and later spawned an anime series that was such a hit, it made it to the west and aired during the afternoon on Toonami. For some time, however, the characters have been slowly getting back into the spotlight, but it looks like the next DLC character coming to Bandai Namco Entertainment's Jump Force will be helping that push.
With so many new DLC characters coming to the game, the latest addition, Yu Yu Hakusho's Hiei, is showing up to bring an added punch to the game. With the strength of Hiei added to the roster, players will have to restrategize how they play to combat anyone who chooses him as their combatant.
While there are only stills right now, fans can expect a trailer closer to release. We would love to hear your thoughts on the new character, and don't forget to check out the new stills!
When the real world collides with many of the Shōnen Jump universes, humanity is invaded by the "Venoms", an army of mind-controlled villains led by Kane and Galena. In order to fight back, many heroes are recruited to join the "Jump Force" under the leadership of Director Glover and his A.I. partner Navigator. But a suspicious figure is using both the Jump Force and the Venoms as an attempt to gain a mysterious artifact and merge all worlds into one.
Jump Force is available now on PS4, Xbox One, and PC!