Released in 2018, the anime-inspired RPG game, Knights Chronicle, is one of Netmarble's most stylized and artistic games in its mobile game library. The title allows players the chance to build a party of five as they travel through various dungeons and quests, getting stronger and stronger with every victory.
The original story allows for multiple heroes to join the traveling party, and with each new update, more heroes join the cause. Most recently, Timur and Amon have been added in conjunction with the game's brand new update! Timur comes ready with some new skills and three costumes available to collect while those who play as Amon will find that rewards such as Event Coins can be earned just by using the character! Reina also has three new costumes that can be collected, and all can be used in the new "Absolute Hell" level of the Advent Dungeon (which will run until September 10th).
In celebrating the update, some awesome new events have also started, which include the Seven-Day Daily Check-In, Daily Check-In, and Coin Collection Events. The first two events require players to check in every day and collect various types of rewards while the third event gives players update coins in the special dungeon and can be exchanged for prizes in return.
With so many things coming in this update, now is the best time to start playing Knights Chronicle! Make sure to share your thoughts on the game in the comments below!
Knights Chronicle features classic turn-based role-playing gameplay, a beautiful Japanese animation-inspired art style and a compelling story showing the same standard of quality as console and PC RPGs. The game also sports standout features, including real-time party play where players can form parties of up to five players to challenge multiplayer dungeons, explosive 3D-animated skills that demonstrate the game’s flashy and gorgeously detailed visuals, and over 100 heroes for players to choose from.
Knights Chronicle is free to download on the App Store and Google Play!