Bandai Namco Entertainment recently released a brand new anime arena fighting game titled, My Hero One's Justice 2. The release of the game was a massive success and improved majorly on a lot of the critiques of the first installment, while offering new things to add to the game.
One of the most exciting things about the game is that, where the last game ended with the battle with All For One; the second game adds the storyline with Overhaul. With this addition, the game improves on the playable characters exponentially. This included characters such as Sir Nighteye, Overhaul and Lemillion!
Recently, an official trailer for the first of the five promised DLC character of the season pass was released. The character that will be added is the Number 2 hero of the series, Hawks! The new footage features his moveset and a ton of awesome animations that can be seen below. Check it out below!
Excited for the new DLC character? Hoping for more announcement on other characters? Make sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot! My Hero One's Justice 2 is avaiable on Playstation 4, Xbox One, Switch and PC and Hawks can be purchased with the season pass or individually, this spring!