The Spring 2020 anime season is officially underway with the arrival of April and one of the season's most highly anticipated new titles is the anime adaptation of the popular Japanese smartphone game Shironeko Project (known as Rune Story in the West). The anime adaptation was initially announced way back in December 2018 so fans of the game have endured a bit of a lengthy wait for the release of the first episode. The project No. 9 (Girls Beyond the Wasteland, The Ryuo's Work is Never Done!) adaptation will premiere in Japan on April 6 (April 5 in North America as a result of the time zone difference).
The official website for the series has confirmed that Takanori Nishikawa and ASCA are singing the OP "Tenbin -LIbra-" while Rei Yasuda's supplies the ED "through the dark". The video below contains a snippet of the OP.
Masato Jinbo wrote and directed the series while Yousuke Okuda adapted the game's character designs for the anime. Bungo Stray Dogs composer Taku Iwasaki oversaw the music. The anime is confirmed to consist of a single cour, totaling 12 episodes.
Funimation has confirmed that they will simulcast the series as it airs in Japan. The mobile game is an action-adventure dungeon crawler with elements of city management that doesn't have much in the way of a cohesive story. Luckily, Funimation has provided a description for Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle.
The series follows a young adventurer who hails from the Astora Isle, who joins up with a man named Kyle, and the two set out together. After meeting a curious talking white cat and a mysterious young girl, the whole crew uncovers an island in the sky–where Kyle falls into darkness. The series has the rest of the adventuring party sailing the skies on the island to find the Great Runes, and to heed the words of their fallen friend."