Sonic The Hedgehog's upcoming, live-action movie was immediately hit with a wave of backlash following the release of its very first trailer. The character's realistic design was terrible in the eyes of an immense amount of fans. This amount was so immense that the film's director quickly took to social media to announce that they would redo the design.
Just yesterday, the director similarly took to Twitter to announce some more news about the Sonic The Hedgehog movie: that being that the film will now release in February of next year rather than on the originally set release date of November 8th, 2019. This release date change was likely to give the film's crew more time to redesign and animated the blue speedster.
The voice actor of Sonic in the upcoming movie, Ben Schwartz, similarly took to social media (
@rejectedjokes) to share the news of the release date shifting. At the same time, Schwartz also teased that the character's redesign will include his iconic, white gloves.
"Coming to your movie screens on 2/14/20! And... is that a GLOVE I SEE?!?!"
You can see the actor's social media post below: