When the video game series, Castlevania, was announced as a new Netflix animated series, before its release in 2017, many fans were skeptical. However, as director Sam Deats and acclaimed writer Warren Ellis came on to spearhead this story, heads started to turn. The biggest pull was that the animation was taking a heavily stylized direction, not unlike Japanese anime, which Netflix was already known for being a home for.
After the release of the first season, its massive success called for an immediate green light for the seconnd season, which further continued the story of Trevor Belmont and his campaign against the vampire, Lord Dracula. The success of these seasons and with the help of the home video releases from Viz Media, Not long after season 3 was coming down the pipeline and was slated for an early 2020 release. The season mainly saw Trevor and Sypha trying to uncover a plot that would put an entire small town in the sights of the monsters of hell itself.
Now, thanks to the series' official Twitter, the expected and still anticipated announcement of the fourth season has come. In a fun video, we see the same mirror that Isaac uses, on his quest to return Dracula to his former glory, to tell fans that season 4 is coming. Check it out below!
Excited for the new announcement? Need to catch up on the newest season? Make sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot!