Appare-Ranman!, tells the story of an alternate reality, a young engineer and cowardly samurai find themselves in 19th century America after an accident at sea. This duo will have to join a cross country race and meet or battle new people along the way, all to get home. The series is an original idea from P.A. Works.
The story idea came from APPERACING, and from that concept, the story was brought to life by Masakazu Hashimoto, who acts as director, writer, and story drafter. The series' art director, Miho Sugiura, is tasked with giving the anime its unique style that captures the dusty and undiscovered vibe of 19th century America.
The anime initially released back on April 10th; however, due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the series was forced to delay any new episodes until further notice. While the wait has been long, it looks as if the end is finally in sight!
A recent announcement from the series website has revealed that the series will broadcast its first episode again and continue with new episodes every week after! Finally, the story will be able to continue.
With new episodes airing next month, now will be a good time for fans to check out the premiere, if it was missed, and catch up on the manga adaption that released back in April. Make sure to share your thoughts, on the return, in the usual spot!
The anime's story is set at the end of the 19th century and on the eve of the next one. After a certain mishap, the brilliant but socially inept engineer Sorano Appare (family name first) and the shrewd but cowardly samurai Isshiki Kosame find themselves drifting on a boat from Japan to America.
Broke, the two decide to compete in the Trans-America Wild Race to win the prize and return to Japan. The two battle crazy rivals, outlaws, and the great outdoors itself as they race through the wild West. From the starting line in Los Angeles to the finish line in New York, they travel in the steam-powered car they built.
Appare-Ranman! will premiere again on July 3rd!