The ongoing Love Live! anime franchise has made an exciting announcement about their third title. Love Live! Nijisaki High School Idol Club will officially receive a second season in less than six months.
Studio Sunrise and director Tomoyuki Kawamura kicked off the third series in the franchise in the Fall of 2020. Now, set to begin airing in April 2022, Love Live! Nijisaki High School Season 2 will feature several new characters, three of which have been announced along with their respective voice actresses.
Joining the fray in Season 2 of Love Live! Nijisaki High School will be Shioriko Mifune, portrayed by Moeka Koizumi. Mia Taylor, voiced by Shu Uchida, and Zhong Lanzhu, is brought to life by Akina Hōmoto.
All three can be seen alongside the normal cast of characters in the key art teaser released below, and we've also included the official synopsis for the series, so be sure to check them out and as always, share your thoughts in the usual spot!
Nijigasaki High School is known for their diverse subjects and the freedom they give to students. Second-year student Yu Takasaki has been turned on to the charms of school idols, so she knocks on the door of the School Idol Club with her friend, Ayumu Uehara. Sometimes friends, sometimes rivals, the members of this club each contribute their own thoughts and motivations to the group.
Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club Season 2 will begin airing in April 2022.