Initially beginning as a light novel series in 2017, 86 Eighty-Six tells a story about military conspiracy and drama along with military science fiction, mixing politics and mecha battles seamlessly. The series has been considered akin to similar series like Mobile Suit Gundam and Code Geass.
Asatao Asato created the series, and just a year after its publication as a light novel, the series was adapted into a manga with Asato writing and Motoki Yoshihara illustrating. As of now, both series are still in publication, with multiple spin-off manga released.
Recently, the series has grown in popularity, with an anime series announced to be coming sometime in the late future. The publishing company, Yen Press, has also acquired the rights to the manga, allowing the series to be published in the west!
With this announcement, the series will have a worldwide audience, just in time for the release of the anime! Make sure to share your thoughts on the news in the usual spot!
Long besieged by the fully autonomous killing machines known as the Legion, the Republic of San Magnolia endeavors to turn the tide of war by employing autonomous weapons of their own... Enjoy Asato-Asato's award winning novel in fully illustrated manga form!
86 Eighty-Six vol.1 is coming to North America in December of this year!