In 1995, Satoshi Yoshida launched the manga series, Arakure Knight, in the pages of Akita shotten's Young King magazine. Revolving around a guy who tries his best to join a motorcycle gang, the original series rand for ten years in total.
Following the conclusion of the first series, three more sequels later followed, continuing the story of the character, with the third concluding in 2016. In 2018, Yoshida launched the next installment in the franchise, Arakure Knight: Remember Tomorrow, in the pages of Akita Shoten's Young Champion magazine.
The most recent series has been running strong, continuing the story that the previous sequels have established, and as of February, has published four compiled volumes. However, while the series has been going strong, Yoshida has decided that it is now time for the curtain to fall on the series.
In a recent announcement, Arakure Knight: Remember Tomorrow, will be concluding later this month, with no announcement on another sequel or potential spin-off from Yoshida. Make sure to share your thoughts on the news in the comments!
Yoshida's Arakure Knight manga franchise centers around delinquent Haruma Yūki, who seeks to join the motorcycle gang Linda. The manga shows Haruma's efforts to join the gang, while also following the activities of Linda and its leader Zenba as they clash with rival motorcycle gangs.
Arakure Knight: Remember Tomorrow is publishing on Akita Shoten's Young Champion magazine on July 28th!