Released as an anime film in 2018, Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple tells the story of a world changed forever following a devastating event. Since its release, the film has been a significant hit, even planning to release a stage play in 2021.
Created by Kafka Asagiri and Sango Harukawa, the manga was a massive hit among fans and even managed to spawn an anime series that came before the Dead Apple film. The original Bungo Stray Dogs anime released in 2016 and ran for 12 episodes before continuing for two more seasons.
In 2018, Ganjii launched an anime adaption of the series in the pages of Kadokawa's Monthly Young Ace Up magazine and ended up going on hiatus this past May, For three months, the book has been on a break and has had no word on when the series will return until now!
Recently, the manga resumed after its three-month hiatus in the magazine without missing a beat! With no other hiatuses planned, we would love to hear your thoughts on the news in the usual spot!
Six years has passed since the bloodbath known as the Dragon's Head Rush conflict.
Over 500 people with supernatural powers have been found dead -- presumably by suicide. The Armed Detective Agency is tasked with the mission to capture Shibusawa Tatsuhiko, the mysterious special ability user thought to be involved. But when Osamu Dazai disappears, the ”Demon” Fyodor begins showing his shadow.
Those with supernatural powers, known as Special ability users, are threatened by an onslaught of unprecedentedly powerful enemies, and the city of Yokohama begins falling into a terrifying nightmare.
Atsushi and Kyouka infiltrate Shibusawa's fortress, where they are met by Akutagawa, who delivers an unthinkable truth.
Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple is publishing on Kadokawa's Young Ace Up magazine!