In 2015, Akane Shimizzu launched the series Cells at Work! The series premiered in Kodansha's Monthly Shonen Sirius and is a unique and comedic take on how the human body operates. The manga was met with positive critical acclaim, with new volumes still being published, and even branched out into an anime! The anime adaption of the series was released in 2018 and developed by David Production and even streamed on Crunchyroll.
The series has had multiple spin-off series including Cells at Work!: Bacteria! and Cells that Dont Work, which released in 2017 and Cells at Work! Code Black, which released in 2018. The other two spin-offs of the series included Cells at Work! Friend and Cells at Work!: Platelets, both released in 2019. The spin-offs were just as popular as the original series, and have been running since release; all except for one.
Originally releasing in 2017, Cells at Work!: Bacteria!, premiered in the pages of Kodansha's Nakayoshi magazine, written by Haruyuki Yoshida, and told the story of the war between good and bad bacteria. The series was another success upon its release and rather than over stay its welcome, it was annoucned that the series would be releasing its final volume, this summer, after seven volumes.
Sad to see the series end? Hoping another spin-off will come soon? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments! Cells at Work! Bacteria! is releasing its final chapter, in Nakayoshi, on July 3rd and its seventh and final volume will ship on August 6th.