Beginning in 2017 in the pages of Kadokawa's Monthly Comic Beam magazine, Masatoshi Usune's Desert Punk manga series tells the story of the journeys of a post-apocalyptic mercenary. As of now, the series has released 21 volumes, with the most recent coming out in 2019.
Since its initial release, the comic has gone through multiple hiatuses, following its return in 2004. However, in between the multiple breaks, an anime was released from 2004-2005 and ran for 24 episodes. The anime even got a North American release thanks to Funimation.
A few months back, it was announced that the manga would be reaching its conclusion; however, no official release window had been announced. Now, after a brief wait, it was revealed that the end of the series would be arriving in just a couple of months! This past Wednesday was the release of the first of the last two chapters.
As the conclusion draws near, readers can expect a lot of loose ends to begin to tie up before the final panel. We would love to hear your thoughts on the upcoming conclusion in the comments below!
The story takes place in a post-apocalyptic future where a mercenary bounty hunter known as the "Desert Punk" journeys across the Great Kantō Desert where Tokyo once stood.
Desert Punk will publish its final chapter this October!