Launched in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump back in 1997,Eiichiro Oda's One Piece manga has weathered the likes of Naruto and Bleach to grab the coveted Shonen manga crown. However, where Naruto: Shippuden has concluded and Bleach has announced its entering its final arc, Oda is nowhere near wrapping up his manga.
Back in 2012, Oda went on record as stating he was roughly 60% complete with the story he wanted to tell in the One Piece manga and now four years later in 2016, Oda has stated that he's only at 65%! Shueisha published the manga's 82nd volume on July 2. At this rate, your kids' kids will be reading One Piece and it'll still be listed as ongoing. To further put that in perspective, the One Piece manga just currently aired its 751st episode.