The original anime series, Hero Mask, premiered on Netflix back in 2018. The action/mystery series was developed at Studio Pierrot and was written and directed by Hiroyasu Aoki and ran for two seasons.
The series follows a hot-blooded officer on a mystery to stop a murderer, while also tackling the problem of masks that give people superpowers. While the series deals with multiple different genres at once, the balance works in the series favor, making it a hit on the streaming service.
The 24 episode anime featured a lot of stunning animations to match the superpowers that were on display with the series. At first, the average viewer may have assumed that the series was based on a comic of sorts; however, the series had never crossed onto that platform; until now!
In a recent announcement from manga creator Wakaiki, a brand new spin-off manga titled, Hero Mask: A Lost Memory, is coming to the LINE Manga app! The creator announced the reveal in a tweet, with original artwork.
Scheduled to publish this summer, the reveal comes just in time, as the manga gears up for a release on Japanese television, for the first time. Make sure to check out the new post below and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
Now there's a mysterious Mask before James Blood, and the man behind it is one that shouldn't exist. What is the mystery surrounding this mask...?
So begins an action-packed crime story set in a beautiful city!
Hero Mask: A Lost Memory will publish on the LINE Manga app on July 7th!