New trailer alert! In the tumultuous new trailer for the upcoming second season of Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari, an ongoing TV anime based on the supernatural action manga written by Onigunsou, new allies and new opponents square off against one another! This movie (which can be found below) sheds light on the nefarious doings of a competing gang of tsukumogami known as the Gagakuryou (which literally translates to "Office of Court Music").
You can watch the newly released trailer from twitter below:
Not familiar with the anime series? Here's a little bit about Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari:
Filled with rage against spirits known as tsukumogami, Kunato Hyoma is sent to live with Nagatsuki Botan to help him see a different side. Though both are part of a clan that return the spirits back to their world with divine powers, their experiences with the otherworldly vessels are vastly different. Kunato, robbed of a loved one, and Nagatsuki, saved by them. Can she get through to him?
The original manga for Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari is currently being published in the Ultra Jump manga magazine published by Shueisha. Seven Seas Entertainment also publishes a translation of the manga in the English language. Ryuichi Kimura is in charge of directing the animation production for the TV anime adaptation of Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari, which is being done by Bandai Namco Pictures.
Crunchyroll currently streams the first season, and is expected to carry the second season once it is fully released! The second season of the series is scheduled to broadcast in Japan beginning in July of 2023.
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