Following the conclusion of classic Gundam series, The Blue Destiny, another series is also gearing up for its final bow. Based on the Sega Dreamcast game, Mobile Suit Gundam: GROUND ZERO - Colony no Ochita Chi de - Rise From the Ashes was published in 2017 in the pages of Kadokawa's Gundam Ace magazine.
The manga was created by Umetaro Saitani and has released two compiled volumes, so far. With the help of Bandai Namco Entertainment and the supervising assistance of Masahiko Tokushima, the manga has proven itself in the genre and, while short, is a real standout.
With the conclusion of the series not coming till later this month, there is still room for anything to happen in the story, but until then, it doesn't hurt to catch up on previous chapters before the final.
With no confirmation on any new series, it may be some time before there is an announcement on what series could fill the void left by the series. Make sure to share your thoughts on the upcoming conclusion in the comments below!
Universal Century 0079. The One Year War, which started with the Principality of Zeon's declaration of war, took the largest toll in human history. Their first step, in particular, was a colony drop, which brought unprecedented damage to the Earth and in an instant, resulted in the death of half of mankind. This story depicts the road to recovery of a ravaged land, the hardest hit area of Australia: Ground Zero for the colony drop.
Mobile Suit Gundam: GROUND ZERO - Colony no Ochita Chi de - Rise From the Ashes will be concluding on August 26th in Kadokawa's Gundam Ace magazine!