In 2014, manga creator Suu Minazuki released the series Plunderer in the pages of Kadokawa's Monthly Shonen Ace magazine. The heroic action fantasy series has, as of now, published 15 compiled volumes with its 16th on its way.
With 1 million copies in print, the series has become a significant hit among readers. At one point, the book was such a success that an anime series was later greenlit and premiered in January and ended in June. The show was also streaming as it aired on Funimation!
Recently, the upcoming release of the 16th volume has revealed that a decisive battle is coming with a tagline on the cover, stating, "The story of heroes spanning 300 years reaches its climax." What this implies is that the final battle of the series is coming soon!
Now is lining up to be the best time to catch up on the series or maybe start it, right as the climax is coming. Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments section below!
It's the year 305 of the Alcian calendar, and the world is controlled by numbers. Every human born is branded with a "Count,” which could mean anything from the number of kilometers walked to the amount of people who have said your food is tasty. And if your Count drops to 0… you'll be sent into the Abyss! After Hina's mother's Count dropped to 0, her last request is for Hina to look for the Legendary Red Baron.
Plunderer will be shipping its 16th compiled volume on August 26th!