The novel series, Restaurant to Another World, initially published in 2013 and was written by Junpei Inuzuka. The series told the story of a small restaurant that seems normal for all intense and purposes; however, some of their clientele lean more into the realm of the fantastic and fantasy.
The novels were such smash hit; a light novel series was also produced in 2015! From that point forward, the series branched out into multiple facets of media, yet, the most successful has been the book's anime adaption!
The anime released back in 2017 and was directed and written by Masato Jinbo under the studio Silver Link. The 12 episode anime allowed a larger audience to delve into the crazy and fun world of Restaurant to Another World. As of now, the series can be found streaming on Funimation and Crunchyroll!
Recently, a tweet from Yen Press revealed the release date of a new manga series written by Junpei Inuzuka and illustrated by Katusmi Enami (Baccano!). The latest announcement also featured a looks at the cover to the first volume of the manga!
With the new series coming from Yen Press, now is an excellent time to get into a fun and fantastically zany new isekai! Don't forget to share your thoughts on the new series in the comments below!
By all appearances, Western Restaurant Nekoya is a normal restaurant serving normal people-but unbeknownst to the regulars, it also attracts an alternative clientele. Every Saturday, all manner of fantastical beings come to dine, and what is familiar fare to humans can be downright exotic for visitors from beyond. To these customers, Nekoya is known by a different name: Restaurant to Another World.
Restaurant to Another World is announced to release on June 23rd!