With the animated return of Hiroyuki Takei's Shaman King, the franchise has gotten a significant resurgence since its debut in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump in 1998. Since then, there have been countless spin-offs and even an earlier anime series that released in the 2000s.
In a previous reveal, it was announced that publishing company Kodansha would be releasing the entire manga run of Shaman King and its spin-offs to many western digital platforms. This included the full original series and Shaman King: Zero, Shaman King Flowers, Shaman King: Super Star, and Shaman King: Red Crimson.
However, according to the company, in order "to give Shaman King the production quality it deserves and its fans the best manga experience."; the main series has been delayed to a later date. The multiple spin-offs have also had their delays released "so that fans can get the complete experience of Shaman King without fear of spoilers or narrative confusion."
While the physical omnibus releases will still be coming later on in the next couple of years, there is no official release for the digital versions, yet. Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments section below!
In the world of Shaman King, shamans possess mysterious powers that allow them to commune with gods, spirits, and even the dead…and Manta Oyamada's about to learn all about them, because his class just welcomed a new transfer student: Yoh Asakura, a boy from way off in Izumo…and a shaman in training!
Shaman King and its spin-offs will release digitally soon!