In 2010, Tetsuya Tashiro helped launch the series Akame ga Kill! with Takahiro, the series ran for six years and has grown into a mainstay hit among fans of manga. Following that book's success, the series ended up getting an equally successful anime that premiered in 2014 and rand for 24 episodes.
With Akame ga Kill! being such a massive hit, Tashiro decided that it was time to bring his artistic and story talents to a brand new series. Slasher Maidens mix elements of harems and fantasy with the always popular world of kaiju.
The series follows a young man who transfers to an all-girls school, to follow his crush, and in a school that hates the kaiju that are established in the world, the story is set in. The series has been recommended for fans of high school type stories like High School of the Dead.
As the series has become a success, the Anime Expo Lite virtual event held a panel where Yen Press announced that the book has been acquired by the company for a western release. With the series coming this year, fans will finally have copies to add to their collections. We would love to hear your thoughts in the usual spot!
Around the world, a phenomenon is observed where those whose mental stress reaches a peak transform into monsters called “Kaijin” and succumb to murderous impulses. Such supernatural events were completely unrelated to proud pervert Asuma Sudo, but after he transfers to an all-girls school while chasing the girl of his dreams, he discovers that the school was actually a front for an anti-Kaijin special agency!
Slasher Maidens is coming to North America in December!