Gakuto Mikumo's Strike the Blood novel series originally premiered back in 2011. The series follows a young man who is, according to legend, the most powerful vampire ever and a young vampire hunter who is tasked with watching over him to make sure that he doesn't get out of control. The series was a massive success, spawning 21 volumes, so far and even a manga adaption was released, in 2012, in the pages of Kadokawa's Monthly comic Dengeki Daioh.
An anime series was also released, for the novels that premiered in 2013. The series ran for 24 episodes before ending. However, this was not the end of the animated adaption as two OVA series were released not long after. Since then the seires has lived on through OVA releases. The most recent one, Strike the Blood IV, released back in April and is set to continue until 2021. The OVA's have also featured an original special titled the Disappearing Holy Lance arc.
Recently, it was revealed in the Kadokawa's Dengeki Bunko Twitter, that the main novel story of Strike the Blood will be ending, with its 22nd volume later this summer. After almost 10 years in publication, it will definitely be a change to not have new volumes release of the series. However, this means that fans can see what other ideas Mikumo may have in the future!
Excited to read the final volume? Sad to see the series end? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments! Strike the Blood is set to release its final volume on August 7th!