The award-winning manga series The Fable by Katsuhisa Minami will have a TV anime adaptation, Kodansha revealed tonight. At Tezuka Productions, the series will be directed by seasoned anime director Ryosuke Takahashi (Armored Trooper VOTOMS, Ozuma). A series teaser image was made public.
Here's some of The Fable's history:
From November 2014 through November 2019, Weekly Young Magazine published the original The Fable manga. On July 19, 2021, the same publishing released the first volume of a sequel series with the working title The Fable: The Second Contact. The manga has been printed (physically) and sold (digitally) in excess of 22 million copies. Kan Eguchi, the filmmaker, had two live-action action movies come out in 2019 and 2021.
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Kodansha USA publishes The Fable manga in English, and describes it below:
When you're the infamous "genius killer" hitman The Fable, many things come easy. Being a normal person, however, isn't one of them. In fact, being told that he can't kill anyone for a while may just be the hardest job he's ever taken...
Already a fan of The Fable manga? Sound off in the comments with your thoughts on the newly announced anime adaptation of the series! We sure are excited to see it come to life!