Beginning as a novel series in 2008, Tsutomu Sato's The Irregular at Magic High School told the story of two siblings who join a high school where magic is taught as a science. As the siblings are separated into different classes, the situations and challenges begin to present themselves more and more.
The novel series was an instant success and spawned an anime in 2014. After its first season, the wait for the second took many years, leading many to believe it wasn't happening. Yet, 2020 has some silver linings, as the second season was officially confirmed for an October release.
The franchise also has a light novel series that began publication in 2011. The series has been releasing multiple volumes since the premiere, yet it seems that the series will be reaching its conclusion soon.
According to an announcement from the series official Twitter, The Irregular at Magic High School's light novel adaption will be concluding with its 32nd volume. While the end is not until the fall, the news still hits hard for fans, especially when there has been no sequel series or continuation announced yet.
However, while one door closes, another will open as season 2's premiere approaches. Make sure to share your thoughts on the upcoming conclusion in the usual spot!
The year is 2095. Magic has been tamed as another form of technology, and the practice of magic is now a rigorous discipline. Brother and sister Tatsuya and Miyuki Shiba are just about to start their first year at the renowned First Magic High School of Japan. But the school's ironclad rules mean that the brilliant Miyuki enters the prestigious Course 1, while her older brother, Tatsuya, is relegated to Course 2--and that's just the beginning of their troubles!
The Irregular at Magic High School releases the final volume on September 10th!