In 2015,
Jun Yuzuki created the manga series,
The Prince's Black Poison. The story for the manga is as follows;
"Rizu's childhood friend Souta-kun has always been super cute but also just a little helpless, so she's taken it upon herself to take care of him. Little does she know, that Souta-kun is only a facade! No scheme is too extravagant—Souta-kun will stop at nothing to keep her to himself." The series was published in Kodansha's Bessatsu Friend magazine. The series has been running since and has had a total of nine completed volumes published or on its way to publication.
Recently Kodansha sent news out on the Bessatsu Friend website that the series would actually be reaching its climax in just four chapters. According to the site, should the series not run into any delays and everything go according to schedule; the final chapter should be released on May 13 of the magazine. Sad to know the series is ending? Share your thoughts in the usual spot!