In 2016, writer Shin Sawada and artist Renji Asai launched the unsuspecting series The Violence Action in the online magazine Shogakukan's Yawaraka Spirits. The series tells the story of a young, cute girl who lives a typically normal life; normal aside from the fact that she is a trained hit girl.
From March 2018 to June 2019 the series went on hiatus due to the poor health of one of the creators. Following the hiatus the series success continued, even being listed in the top 20 list for manga for male readers, in 2018, before the break.
As of now, the series has released six compiled volumes and promises more on the way. However, another fun announcement was also given; stating that the series would be getting a "screen adaption" sometime in the future!
While no official release date was given, we can expect the anime or live-action adaption of the mang to be coming very soon! Make sure to share your thoughts on the reveal in the comments!
The manga's story centers on Kei Kikuno, an assassin who seems to be an easygoing and cute girl next door but is actually a top hitgirl. Kei skillfully handles jobs with her gun expertise and physical prowess.
The Violence Action is coming to screens soon!