The next television anime adaptation of Haruki Kuou's romantic comedy light novel series Liar Liar is scheduled to make its debut on July 8, 2023, according to the announcement that was made today on the official website for the project!
Before the first episode of the television anime airs in June, one voice drama clip will be released at a time on the official YouTube account for the anime on the first day of each month for the next five months!
Watch the newest voice drama clip below:
On May 22, the fourth clip of voice drama, titled "Present Contest," was uploaded to the website. The events of the first chapter take place when Kagaya pays a visit to Hiroto, and at that time, a war is already in progress. Whose gift will end up being selected...!? The prominent voice cast members are: Genta Nakamura as Hiroto Shinohara, Yukina Shuto as Shirayuki Himeji, Wakana Kuramochi as Sarasa Saionji and Hibiku Yamamura as Ami Kagaya.
Liar Liar is being directed by Naoki Matsuura (Black Clover episode director) and Satoru Ohno at studio GEEKTOYS. Momoka Toyoda (My Happy Marriage) is the one who is writing the series composition, while Yumi Nakamura (Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku OVA) is the one who is designing the characters.
May'n, who is most known for providing the singing voice of Sheryl Nome in the Macross Frontier anime franchise, is the singer who performs "LIES GOES ON," the opening theme song for the show. The six-member voice actress team known as SMILE PRINCESS is responsible for performing the concluding theme song, which is titled "faky merry game." Yurika Moriyama, who is also a member of the group, was cast in the role of Tsumugi Shiina, one of the primary characters in the anime.
Watch the series' official teaser trailer below:
Let us know if you will be tuning in to the series premiere this July in the comments below!