In 2016, Tadahiro Miura launched the raunchy comedy manga, Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs. The series told the story of a young man who is plagued with the ability to see spirits. He has to use these skills to stay at a lodge with other scantily clad women, and that isn't even where the story ends!
The manga launched in the pages of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump and has been running for 24 volumes. In 2018, it was then adapted into an anime that came from Aniplex of America and was streamed by Crunchyroll. As of now, it has only run for 12 episodes with no season 2 announced yet.
Recently, the news was announced that the conclusion of the manga would be coming soon. As of the most recent issue of Weekly Shonen Jump, the series has officially ended, with 24 volumes. However, the end is not what it seems.
As the finale was announced, it was also announced that there would be a special announcement. That announcement being that the final volume of the series would be shipping alongside the complete Blu-ray collection of the anime and two new episodes that adapt chapters 99 and 141! The news also stated that the set would be coming with a bath poster that includes art from the creator!
Even after all of that, the end of Yuuna is still not definite. Along with the special announcement, a new individual chapter is going to be released in the summer issue of Jump Giga! It doesn't look like a good spirit can be kept down! Make sure to share your thoughts on the conclusion and all of the reveals in the comments!
Homeless and haunted by ghosts, high schooler Kogarashi thinks his luck has finally turned when he finds Yuragi-sou—a cheap boarding house that was formerly a hot springs inn, now full of super sexy, scantily clad female tenants.
If Kogarashi can use his spirit abilities to banish the ghost that haunts the inn, he can even live there rent-free! But when the ghost, a beautiful teenage girl named Yuuna, appears before him, Kogarashi takes pity on her and is suddenly not so sure about the exorcism.
Will he help save Yuuna from becoming an evil spirit? And what supernatural secrets do the other boarders hold?
Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs will ship the final volume and anime on December 4th!