In 2019, the first three episodes of Sokyu no Fafner THE BEYOND released for fans in Japan. The series continues the franchise that began with 2004s Fafner anime and shows these amazing mechas and characters in a whole new style of animation.
The new anime has had plans to release its 12 episode series in theaters first. This strategy has proven to be very intriguing as this allows fans to watch a TV show with a much more cinematic flair.
After the release of the first three episodes, the success of the installment had fans clamoring for the release of episodes 7-9. Sadly, the wait for the release has proven to be longer than anticipated since the COVID-19 pandemic has caused creators to air on the side of caution, to make sure that there is no risk in seeing the next collection.
Thankfully, a brand new update has given fans the release date they've been wanting! As of the website's most recent update, the next installment of Sokyu no Fafner THE BEYOND will be releasing this winter! Make sure to check out the upcoming film, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
Fafner in the Azure: The Beyond continues the story of a group of children from Tatsumiya Island that pilot Fafners in a war against giant aliens called Festum as the last chance of survival for the human race.
Sokyu no Fafner THE BEYOND will return to theaters, in Japan, on November 13th.