While the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise has been around for decades, the series had a renaissance of sorts, in 2013, with the Gundam Build franchise. Rather than tell a story of political intrigue and other mature themes, the Build franchise focused more on the gunpla aspect of the series.
Gunpla is a way to play with Gundam that allows the pilots to create their own Gundam with various parts and have them battle; there is also the chance to see classic mechs from the decades of Gundam, battle it out in dream battles.
Gundam Build Divers: Battlogue is a new anime from Sunrise and Bandai Spirits that is a continuation of that latter idea. This new show will see fan-voted Gunpla duke it out in dream battles, with polling for the first batch of fights conducted this past April.
There is still not a lot of information given, as of yet, in regards to footage or an official release date, but the anime is expected to begin airing sometime in November. We would love to hear your thoughts in the usual spot!
The anime takes place in a world where people can build Gundam model kits and send them into battle against each other in a virtual battlefield.
Gundam Build Divers: Battlogue is coming to Japan this November!