Spanning countless anime, hundreds of manga chapters, various films, and multitudes of other crossovers and attractions, the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise is engrained in the collective consciousness of the world and the reason why mecha have stayed so popular. One of the biggest ways that the franchise has stayed alive has been through the medium of video games.
Aside from console titles that have covered many different styles of gameplay, including Dynasty Warriors, Gundam has also released many titles for arcades in Japan. In 2001, the most popular Gundam arcade franchise was released, titled Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs.
With over nine titles under its belt, the most recent being Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme vs. Maxiboost ON, it was only a matter of time before the most recent title would be making its way to consoles. With the PS4 release coming this summer, the developers decided to market the game in a way that would speak to the audience's softer side.
A brand new promo has been released that shows an older man reminiscing about playing Gundam arcade games with his friends. As he remembers the good old days, his friends arrive with the newest game to join him in some classic 2v2 co-op battles. Make sure to check out the heartwarming video below and don't forget to are your thoughts in the comments!
Coordinate and lay waste to your rivals in fierce PVP fighting combat iconic to the EXTREME VS. series. Join the battle with 183 units from the entire Gundam universe, each with different abilities ready to suit your play style. Choose between three different EX BURST Systems: FIGHTING BURST, EXTEND BURST and SHOOTING BURST!
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme vs. Maxiboost ON will release on PS4 on July 30th!