Fans of Mobile Suit Gundam from around the world have been waiting in quiet anticipation for the debut of the life-sized, fully moving Gundam that Japan (more specifically Yokohama) has been working on. Since the country has always embraced the impact its popular culture has on its people, something as immense as Gundam Factory Yokohama was made with the same care and determination that any normal structure would have.
It is because of this devotion to the craft that the release date of the attraction has been so anticipated. Now, fans can finally start lining up this December for the event! Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the property, the 18 meters tall Gundam will act as both an interactive attraction and an exhibition where guests can learn more about the Gundam and even take part in some of the interactive experiences.
One of the experiences is the "GUNDAM Pilot View SoftBank 5G EXPERIENCE," which will have guests check out the Gundam through an AR window and see how much power is put out when the mecha moves! An event like this doesn't come around very often, and that is why it's so important for fans to take the chance if they can, while still being safe.
Will you be purchasing a ticket to the Gundam Factory Yokohama? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments, and don't forget to check out the official site below for even more information!
The Gundam Factory Yokohama will open on December 19th! More information on the event can be found here!