Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury, the first Mobile Suit Gundam TV anime series in seven years, is set to premiere in Japan this October (2022), and a new teaser trailer and poster have been released revealing the protagonist and her Gundam Aerial unit!
It has also been revealed that there will be a prologue released this summer, ahead of the anime television premiere. It will make its debut at the Gundam Factory Yokohama, as well as at other life-size Gundam locations throughout Japan and Shanghai, and in Bandai Namco's upcoming Metaverse project. All of this as part of the Gundam Next Future -Link the Universe- event. There is also a global pemiere planned sometime in the future.
Additional artwork has been released giving a closer look at Gundam Aerial, as well as the new mobile suits that will appear in the prequel - Gundam Lfrith and Beguir-Beu. Make sure and check them out below!