Where the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise is best known for its political dramas, beautiful action, and thought-provoking ideas (and of course mecha battles), the SD franchise in the world of Gundam chooses instead to focus on the more outlandish and cartoony. Translated in Japan as Super Deformed, the franchise attempted to make its way to the west on Toonami some years ago. Still, following after another Gundam series (G Gundam) completed, viewers weren't as fond of the show.
However, in Japan, fans love the franchise, and even now, it has had a huge surge in its popularity and has released a new series of shows dubbed "The World Franchise." The first in this franchise was SD Gundam World Sangoku Sōketsuden, which is best known for creating a world of Gundams with a backdrop that is both a zombie story and a mecha epic.
Sunrise, the company that distributes all of the Gundam shows, has released a brand new sneak peek of the second installment in their World franchise, SD Gundam World Heroes. Not much is known of the new series's plot, but there has been confirmation that the show will premiere to a worldwide audience! The new teaser also features a ton of action-packed new footage that is sure to excite the fans.
While it may not be a conventional Gundam story, the new series looks to have some promise in its own right. Make sure to check out the teaser below, and don't forget to tell us what you think in the comments below!
Nations once full of pride and glory are now in ruins after suffering great wars repeated over and over again, and it is an age in which the great land is covered in mountains of wreckage. Finally, just as the signs of restoration begin to be seen, a mysterious virus called the “Yellow Zombie Virus” has been spreading across the land for the past several years, and the infected, who lose their self of self, start attacking Mobile Suits one after the next.
In order to protect themselves from the infected coming to attack them, the remaining Mobile Suits are forced to live inside city strongholds. However, behind the fortifications, after the death of the former lord, the lord Dong Zhuo is as domineering as can be.
SD Gundam World Heroes will release worldwide in April 2021!