Digimon Adventure Tri was a series of films that managed to reinvigorate the love of the digimon franchise with more adult storylines and superb animation. When the series had ended it left many fans wondering if it was the final bow of the franchise and these characters. Thankfully those wonders and fears were put to rest, in Tokyo, during the
Digimon Kansasai -Special Meeting in Odaiba- event. To perfectly coincide with the twentieth anniversary of the universe; The
Digimon franchise will be getting a new film that takes place after Tri. The film, tentatively titled
Gekijo- Ban Digimon Adventure (Digimon Adventure the movie) will be following the exploits of the now 22 year old "
Tai" and "
Matt" (in the English Dub). During the event an image was released for the project but it has not been released to the masses as of yet.
Some other great announcements included a lot of the returning staff, many of whom have been working on the franchise since the beginning. This includes
Kenji Watanabe, who is responsible for the monster designs we have seen on past projects. This promises some amazing quality for the upcoming series and will definitely be a sight to behold. Excited for the new film? Share your thoughts in the comments!