In 2013, Miya Kazuki launched the novel series, Ascendance of a Bookworm. The series tells the story of a young woman, with a love of books, who tragically died in an accident and awakens as a fantasy world, as a five year old girl named Myne. In this world she finds that the literacy rate is incredibly low and the books that exist are over priced. With the goal of being a librarian and taking her love of books, Myne, decides that she will create enough books so that she will be completely surrounded by them. J-Novel Club released the novels, light novels (released in 2015), and the manga by Suzaka, in Japanese and English.
The novel series was such a hit that it even spawned an anime series, in 2019. World Trigger director Mitsuru Hongo is helming the series with assistant director Yoshiki Kawasaki (Monster Hunter Stories RIDE ON). The anime completed its first part by Christmas of last year and then released its second part, which is still releasing. While the second part does not have an English dub, the first part does. The second half of the series is streaming as it airs on Crunchyroll.
Recently, the official website for the series revealed three new cast member additions for the series continuing second part. the website stated the casting announcements with the commander of Ehrenfest's knights being voiced by Toshiyuki Morikawa. Other casting reveals include knight Danuel and knight Shikikoza being voiced by Yuichiro Umehara and Haruki Ishiya, respectively. Expect to see these characters appear later in the series!
Excited for the new reveals? Enjoying the series so far? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments! Ascendance of a Bookworm is airing now!