Released in 2011 as a spin-off series to a short comedy manga, Daisuke Hagiwara's Horimiya tells the story of two high school students whose outward appearances in no way reflect who they really are. After meeting, their paths become intertwined while enjoying the day to day routines of high school.
The series premiered in the pages of Monthly G Fantasy and has now released its 15th compiled volume! While the series has been publishing for quite some time, it was only recently that an anime was greenlit. So far, it has been confirmed that CloverWorks would be animating the show that will be helmed by Masashi Ishihama (PERSONA 5 The Animation).
Since the announcement, there has been no confirmation on when the series will officially release; however, all of that has changed thanks to a tweet from the show's official Twitter! According to the post, fans can expect the show to premiere in early January of next year officially.
There is still more to be released (like more footage of the show), but until then, at least fans now know when to mark their calendar. Make sure to tell us your thoughts on the announcement in the comments section!
At first glance, the ultra-popular Hori-san seems like a frivolous high school girl, but in reality, she's plain, pragmatic, and family-oriented. On the other hand, the bespectacled Miyamura-kun comes across as an average, gloomy high school fanboy, but he's actually an attractive young man who has a bad-boy streak and is covered in piercings and tattoos. When these two unexpectedly similar classmates have a random run-in outside of the classroom, a bubbly, sweet tale of school life begins!
Horimiya is releasing in Japan on January 9th!