Kaguya-Sama: Love is War, is a series that was created by
Aka Akasaka and tells the story of
Miyuki Shirogane and
Kaguya Shinomiya. Within the story the two act as if they are the perfect couple yet both refuse to confess their affection for one another. Instead they scheme,as if it is a game over who will confess first! The series has been a massive success as a manga and a brand new anime series released this week in Japan. In recent news, the website for the manga announced that the series would be not only a six disc DVD/Blu-Ray volume but also have twelve episodes!
With many creators attatched to the project (one of which worked on
Digimon Adventure tri) it is quite a blessing that the series will be twelve episodes of amazing animation and storytelling. Excited to see the new series?
Kaguya-Sama: Love is War is now streaming on
FunimationNOW and
Crunchyroll. Share your thoughts on the series in the usual spot!