Takuya Mitsuda's Major 2nd anime is a baseball series that is based on the anime that released on Weekly Shonen Sunday, in 2015. The series is now in its second season and tells the story of Shigeno Daigo and Sato Hikaru, as they try to live up to the image their pro baseball fathers established. The series follows them as they compete against rival youth league baseball teams. The series has been a massive hit and the original series premiered in 2018.
The second season premiered this past April, on NHK Education, to a massive positive repsonse. The first season aired on Crunchyroll as it aired and the new season has aired only four episodes. Sadly, since the COVID-19 pandemic has put Japan on a halt, in terms of entertainment, there has been some announced changes to the release schedule.
A recent announcement came from NHK, that the series has been forced to put a hold on any new releases of other episodes, past the fourth episode. To fill the gaps in on the time slots for the new episodes, the anime will reair the first four episodes. An announcement will come from the staff, once a date has been set to air the new episodes.
Sad to hear the series is on hold? Planning on watching the first four episodes to catch up? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments!