Marvel Future Avengers debuted back in 2017, its first season consisting of twenty-six episodes while its second (which aired in 2018) included thirteen. Produced by Madhouse and Walt Disney Japan, it's based on the Marvel Comics universe.
The series follows a trio of teenagers, each imbued with unique abilities, who were raised by Hydra to take on the Avengers. However, the three quickly realise that the Avengers are in fact the good guys and that Hydra are the nefarious ones. Escaping the evil organisation, they come across the Avengers — who agree to take them on board as the titular Future Avengers.
Disney recently announced (via
Toonado) that
Marvel Future Avengers will soon be available to stream in the West through the Disney+ streaming service. Renamed
Marvel's Future Avengers, it'll be available from February 28th. It's unclear how the streaming service will handle the language barrier given that only the second season received the English-dub treatment.
Either the English dub team will be enlisted to reprise their roles for the first season or the debut season will simply be available to stream in Japanese with English subtitles. We'll just have to wait and see — we'll be sure to let you know once it's out there.