The official website for the romance supernatural manga series written and drawn by Rimukoro, Meddlesome Kitsune Senko-san, has opened up and lists some of the staff working on this new project. The site is and has revealed the following positions.
Director: Tomoaki Koeda
Series Composition, Script: Yoshiko Nakamura
Character Design: Miwa Ooshima
Studio: Doga Kobo
The site has three books for sale and can be found in the following link. The manga series has been publishing since October 6, 2017 and has 29 chapters out right now. Kadokawa publishes the manga in the Comic Newtype magazine. There is no official English release as of right now.
The manga series also has a Twitter account where it updates fans on the latest news. The recent Tweet states that the manga is getting an anime and gives a release date of spring 2019. Animate Times also celebrated the anime adaptation with a Tweet of its own. As soon as more information comes up, we will let you know.
The everyday life of Nakano, a salaryman working for an exploitative company, is suddenly intruded upon by the fox, Senko-san (800-year-old little girl). Whether it be cooking, cleaning, or special service(?)... she'll heal his exhaustion with her tender "care."
Meddlesome Kitsune Senko-san is launching on April 2019