Based on the video game series of the same name, Monster Strike is a unique series in that it has spawned a, potentially, more successful anime series that has released about three seasons and a lot of spin-off projects. The franchise has even released their first film back in 2016, and the second releasing in 2018. The most recent film, Monster Strike: The Movie Lucifer - Dawn of Despair, is set to release this year.
With the current COVID-19 pandemic changing the world, the country of Japan has entered a state of emergency that has changed the entertainment in the country in many ways. One of the big changes is constant delays of films and tv shows, inlcuding anime. Many delays in releases and holds on production, coupled with theater plays having to be outright cancelled. Even upcoming anime films have had to be delayed.
Monster Strike: The Movie Lucifer - Dawn of Despair has announced, sadly, that it will also be the victim of a delay on release. The news originally broke after director Kobun Shizuno announced there would be no June release. The official Twitter has asked fans to be patient a little long er and stated that they will announce when the film will release once a new opening date has been decided.
Sad to see the game delayed? Hoping that the new release date will be sooner rather than later? Make sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot!