The Pretty Cure franchise (also known as Precure) is a magical girl series that has seen massive success in Japan. The franchise follows a group of young girls, that typically y change with each new series, who are granted the ability to change into magical warriors who use their powers to defend people from dangerous creatures.
Since its release, the Precure series has had multiple iterations, even releasing stage plays, video games, and a toy line! For just over 16 years, fans of the series have been caught in the spell of magic and vibrant colors, and there seems to be no sign of stopping!
The most recent film in the series, titled Precure Miracle Leap: Everyone and the Mysterious One Day, is a brand new story that is quickly approaching its late October release after a delay due to COVID-19. A brand new video of the film's opening sequence was also released that is just as colorful as expected!
Will you be checking out the new film? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below, and don't forget to check out the brand new opening sequence video!
In the show's story, the Healing Garden, a secret world that treats Earth's ailments, has been attacked by the Byōgens who seek to infect Earth. Three "medical trainee" Healing Animals and Latte, a Healing Garden princess with special powers, have come in search of partners to avert the threat. The three girls they meet — Nodoka, Chiyu, and Hinata — transform into Precures and stand up to the Byōgens to protect all life on Earth and the Healing Garden.
Precure Miracle Leap: Everyone and the Mysterious One Day is premiering in Japan on October 31st!