Based on the hit manga of the same name, Rent-A-Girlfriend tells the story of a young man who decides to use an app that allows the user to rent an actual girlfriend. However, during one of their dates, things begin to get more complicated.
Thanks to the success of the series, an anime was released this past July and was a major success! The ending themes to the show were performed by Japanese musician Halca, who also has her own Youtube channel!
On her channel, Halca recently released a brand new animated chibi video that features her having a phone conversation with the series' female lead, Chizuru Mizuhara! There has not been any confirmation on whether or not this is the beginning of a series of videos, but it is a nice break from the main series!
Will Halca talk to more characters from the show? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments below!
Kazuya Kinoshita is a college student who is dumped by his girlfriend after a month of dating. To cure his depression, he rents a girlfriend named Chizuru Mizuhara, but is dissatisfied by how unauthentic she acts. Their second date consists of him calling her out, which leads to her revealing her true colors.
Rent-A-Girlfriend is available to watch now on Crunchyroll!