Recently an announcement was made for a new cast member (Akari Kito, who has been confirmed to voice Mädchen Amick) joining the team of the second season to the Sorcerous Stabber Orphen anime. As expected, more news for the show has continued to be announced and has built up a ton of excitement for fans.
Initially created in 1994 by Yoshinobu Akita and Kusaka, the light novels told the story of a dropout sorcerer who uses his abilities to rescue someone he looks at like a sister. Following a four year hiatus, the series returned last Christmas with brand new volumes that have continued to be released today.
An anime adaption of the series has also been released, this past January, to positive results. Not long after that, a second season was greenlit that will be titled Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Battle of Kimluck. Since no other major announcements have been made recently, it was a huge surprise when a brand new promo and release window was announced!
With some new footage announced, its only a matter of time before fans can sink their teeth into the new show. We would love to hear your thoughts on the new season in the usual spot, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
Orphen is a Sorcerer drop-out from the prestigious Tower of Fangs. His journey to save Azalie, a girl he looked up to like a sister, has brought him to the bustling city of Totokanta. Here they are reunited for the first time in five years. But what is the truth behind her monstrous transformation, and just what secrets lurk behind the Sword of Baldanders...?
Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Battle of Kimluck will premiere in Japan in January 2021!