Created in 2014, Izumo Ito's The Demon Girl Next Door was published in the pages of Houbunsha's Manga Time Kirara Carat magazine. Since then, the series has enjoyed multiple successes, releasing its fifth compiled in Japan and its first English volume coming January of next year.
The series follows a young girl who discovers she not only has demon powers but is tasked with defeating another foe who happens to be a student at the same school! From that point, the stakes (and hilarity) rise as these young girls play a deadly game of cat and mouse.
Since the release of the manga, an anime was also released in 2019 by Sentai Filmworks and was a huge hit! In fact, since the show was such a success, a second season was recently announced on the show's official site!
Along with the announcement, a brand new video was released to celebrate the new season! Make sure to check it out below and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments below!
Yuko Yoshida is just an ordinary schoolgirl — until one day her dormant, devilish powers are unleashed by the demon Lilith! Yuko transforms into Shadow Mistress Yuko, a supernatural powerhouse with horns and a devil tail. Now she must defeat another mystical being named Momo Chiyoda, the shrine maiden of the Light Clan… who just so happens to go to Yuko's school! But being a demonic magical girl isn't as easy as it looks, and Yuko has a whole lot to learn before she's ready to fulfill her destiny and take on the Clan of Light.
The second season of The Demon Girl Next Door is coming soon!