The Millionaire Detective - Balance: UNLIMITED is a detective anime series based on Yasutaka Tsutsui's successful novel series Fugo Keiji (Wealthy Detective). The novel series began back in 1975-1977 and teals the story of the wildly affluent Daisuke Kanbe, who uses very odd methods to solve his cases. The new series anime series, however, set the story in the modern day.
Aniplex of America has been releasing the new series since April 9th. While the show has only had two episodes, fans have already taken a liking to the mystery series. Sadly, due to the state of emergency brought on by COVID-19, the anime's new episodes, from 3 on, have been delayed.
Due to these delays, the series has been forced to begin reairing the first two episodes again, to make up for the lost space in the new episodes. This also means that the simulcast that was airing through Funimation, will also not have any new episodes. While this may be a bit of a let down, this will definitely offer a chance for fans to catch up on past episodes.
Sad for the delays? Excited that there is a chance to catch up on the series? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments! The Millionaire Detective - Balance: UNLIMITED, will air older episodes on July 16th.